Saturday, October 23, 2010

kaioo - Germany

Founded on a truly social, democratic and completely independent basis, kaioo is what German executives envisaged and created. It is a non-profit social community offering the standard features of social networking websites. Users can create profiles and add user generated content (pictures, etc), join groups, communicate with friends and express interest in other users via the "match" feature. Groups can favor specific charities that receive donations at the end of the year, proportional only to their support among users. There are two external wikis, one in German, one in English, where users can discuss, share their thoughts on, and modify the Data Protection and Privacy Guidelines. It's truly remarkable, but since all data belong to the users, they get to decide how it is handled, thus modifying the general terms and conditions. The purpose of the company is clearly stated: "support of science and research, education, art and culture, assistance to young and old people, support of public health services, support of indigent and destitute persons, of environment protection, the preservation of nature and monuments, help for persons persecuted on political and racial grounds or for religious reasons as well as for refugees, expellees, evacuees, war victims, war widows and orphans, the war-disabled and prisoners of war and support for development aid."


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